Friends of
Herne Mill
The Friends of Herne Mill became a registered charity in 1992.
Membership costs just £5.00 per year and all members are entitled to free visits to the mill when open during the season.
Benefits of being a Friend of Herne Mill include:
Unlimited FREE visits to our regular Mill open days from March to September 2025.
Free entry to our special events (Teddy Bear Zip Wire, Music & Motion, Halloween, etc).
Free samples of locally grown wheat, ground into flour on our electrified stones.
Regular newsletters keeping you up to date with open day dates and other events throughout the year.
Updates on Kent County Council's plans to “Dis-Invest” your windmill and others within Kent.
Opportunities to join us as volunteers to keep the Heritage Mill open, grinding flour, and available to the community for hire/visits.
To become a Friend please get in touch or come along to see us on one of our open days.